AVHRA Newsletter June 2023
President's Message
Happy Almost Summer Solstice AVHRA Members!
We had so much fun at our April Membership event at Chateau Faire Le Pont. Many new faces were in attendance and we appreciate getting to spend time with all of our HR colleagues in the area. Register now for our upcoming membership event in July as we only have 30 spots open.
The warmer weather has arrived and it is that time to remind you to check that your hazardous working conditions policies are up to date and your employees are educated regarding those policies. Take a look at our articles section to read any artivles that may relate to your organization and their employees.
AVHRA would love to hear if you attended the Annual SHRM Conference in Las Vegas late last week and which speaker spoke to you the most. If you would love to share, please email info.avhra@gmail.com with the speaker's name and topic including why you enjoyed them as a speaker.
We hope you have all have splendid plans for the summer, even if it means a STAY-cation! Stay cool and hydrated!
AVHRA President
Emily Vincent
Join the AVHRA Board as we hold our mid-year membership event of 2023!
This is a great opportunity to relax and network with some of your local Apple Valley Human Resource Association Chapter colleagues and friends. AVHRA will provide appetizers and the first drink is on us!
Please join us for an evening of food and fun and networking! Wednesday July 19, 2023 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Tap and Putt in Wenatchee.
Save the Date! October 19, 2023 12:30 pm (lunch) 1:00pm to 3:00 pm
Location: TBD in Wenatchee, WA
Leah Valverde, Manager of Learning and Talent Development at CWU – Learn your default interaction style and how to flex to bring out the best in yourself and others. An interaction style is a predictable pattern of behaviors that might be considered one’s usual way of being. While we are all a mix of all four styles, recognizing the default styles of yourself and others helps us flex our style to communicate more effectively with our colleagues, supervisors, direct reports, and teams.
Reccomended Articles to Review:
- 5 Tips for Diversifying Board of Directors
- Common DEI Obstacles From Business Leaders, and How to Overcome Them
- Hazardous Working Conditions Proposed Update
- Human Capital 2023: Bridging Sustainability, DEI Readiness Gaps
- Workforce Strategy: Bringing Diversity to Total Rewards Plan
Additional Articles to Review (SHRM Log In Required):
Additional Resources: