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SHRM Foundation and AVHRA Silent Auction

    November 14, 2018

    Every year at our annual Law Summit in December AVHRA holds a silent auction to benefit the SHRM Foundation.  The SHRM Foundation is the area of SHRM that is dedicated to empowering HR professionals by supporting professional development and academic scholarships.  The foundation also supports workforce initiatives that are aimed at building inclusive organizations where all employees thrive and organizations achieve success.

    This last year nationwide 260 Certification Scholarships, 43 Academic Scholarships and 14 Professional Development Scholarships were funded through the SHRM Foundation.  In the recent past we have had local recipients of some of these awards.

    In addition to professional development the Foundation also supports workforce initiatives including most recently, Integrating and Engaging Veterans in the Workforce.  If you are a SHRM member you can download a new guidebook entitled, “The Recruitment, Hiring, Retention and Engagement of Military Veterans” designed to assist HR professionals, hiring managers and supervisors to better understand the value veterans bring to the workplace and how to engage and integrate veterans into your organization.  In November 2018 SHRM will also launch the “Veterans at Work” Certification Program, which includes learning credits towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.  For more information on Foundation initiatives go to the SHRM website at

    All the funds raised at our local auction will go towards the SHRM Foundation to help continue to fund these fantastic programs and learning opportunities.  You can partner with us by bringing a donation for the auction to the AVHRA Law Summit on December 12, 2018, or by bidding generously on the items that are donated.  There is always a fantastic assortment of wine; gift baskets; local team tickets; and homemade goodies!  If you’d like to help out please contact Brenda Reagan, Foundation Coordinator at 509-2649825 or   You can also give directly through the SHRM website, don’t forget to designate AVHRA as your member chapter.

    Thank you for your support of AVHRA and the SHRM Foundation over the years, let’s make 2018 the best!