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Legislative Updates

    The Purpose of the Legislative Committee

    • Monitor and evaluate legislative, regulatory and legal action at the local, state and federal level that may have an impact on the management of human resources.
    • Inform members of current and relevant legislative information via monthly newsletter articles and provide legislative updates for at least one AVHRA programming event annually.
    • Build relationships with local elected officials and provide them with opportunities to address our members.

    To better serve the needs of the professional HR community and advance the profession of Human Resources, AVHRA would like your input. Please contact us to send us your ideas and suggestions about AVHRA’s Legislative priorities and/or initiatives.

    As an association dedicated to human resource management, AVHRA does not endorse any particular candidate or party in any election. All information on this website is intended only to educate and inform HR professionals on legislative issues and is not for the use of advocating for a particular candidate and/or political party.

    2015 Legislative Committee
    Erin McCool (Esq.), Legislative Chairperson
    Gil Sparks (Esq.), Legislative Member
    Brian Walker (Esq.), Legislative Member


    April 16, 2015 - House Bill 1510 – Proposing Employers Buy Employees Cell Phones and Calling Plans

    March 17, 2015 - Asking Applicants about Arrests or Convictions

    February 17, 2015 - Noncompete Agreements